Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Abby Black

American Lit Honors

16 November 2012

Womens’ Rights and freedoms as Citizens

            For years, women have been degraded, misunderstood, and underestimated by men.women have gone from being simply a maid for their husbands, to making up 57% of the professional workforce contrasted to men. This workforce includes lawyers, doctors, dentists, computer technicians, etc. Women make up more than half of the people doing those jobs. My point, is having a law that says it’s legal for a man to beat his wife, but only once a month, is immoral and unethical.

            This law is legal in Arkansas, and was set up to reduce domestic violence in the household, however, it is still permittable for a man to beat his wife. What does the government think this will accomplish? Sure, it may reduce the act of domestic abuse, but will it act to terminally eliminate it? Most good citizens look up to their lawmakers and set up their guide of life on the laws they have to abide by. As a result of this, men think it’s okay to harm their wives physically as long as they don’t exceed their limit on the number of times that they perform these acts.

            The Equal rights Ammendment clearly states that equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of sex. With this being said, Arkansas’s government has no right to ignore the constitution and set men above women, nor women above men in any way.

            This law can also result in more divorces, family problems, child abuse in the home, and violence in the community between citizens. If a man has the right to beat his wife, then he probably thinks it’s permitted to beat his children as well. This causes more imbalance of the home and causes an unhappy living environment for the child and not to mention, an unpromising future. In direct correlation, If people have the right to abuse someone they usually end up abusing the right and could even start getting physically aggressive towards their neighbors, and that can cause tension and unhappiness in society.

            With the imbalance of power between the man and the woman, it would also cause more divorces and unhappy marriages. Any type of abuse disrupts the union that two people have together, and can also disrupt the unification in a community. The Arkansas government should should have taken into account the well-being of the community and people as a whole instead of just one group of people. In Thomas Paine’s piece of literature, “The Crisis”, he mentions, “Tyrranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; Yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.” (Paine,160). We as the people need to stand up against the government when needed! Such laws as these should never be put into play, even if the government says so. We need to start thinking more like  responsible Americans again instead of allowing such cruelty and hatred exist among our people.

            Our government is supposed to unite us all and make sure we work together as a union. For example, John F. Kennedy says in his speech, “The Inaugural Address”, “United, there is little we cannot do in a host of cooperative ventures. Divided, there is little we can do- for we dare not meet a powerful challenge at odds and split asunder.” (Kennedy,197).

            It’s our duty as Americans to unite and stand by the constitution and our forefathers. We need to stand up against this absurd law.
Now that you have read my essay, PLEASE comment, and leave your opinions on the following questions. Thank you. :)

1. Is my thesis strong and clear?
2. Does the body of my paper support it well?
3. Is my paper concluded well?
4. What are my strengths and weaknesses as a writer?
5. Do you agree with my view or disagree? Why?

Work Cited:

1 comment:

  1. Abby I cannot believe that such a law exists and you did a wonderful job with your paper on it. I always told the inner city girls I taught that if any boy hit them immediately leave that relationship. I did not appreciate how difficult it is to be a woman in our society until I got married and had children.
    It is interesting to note how many of our laws were made by rich, property owners and they were all men. Women have secondary status still and it even took them a long time to get the right to vote, etc.
    Sorry to add this but please check your spelling and capitalization as there are errors that should be corrected.
